Lindy Hop mit Pomona & Grey

Grey Armstrong and Pomona Lake bring together a rich tapestry of experience and passion for dance, blending cultural context, embodied technique, and personal expression into every class they teach.

Grey’s dance journey began as a child, dancing blues with his grandfather, and later found resonance in university when he discovered others moving to familiar rhythms. He is now internationally recognized for his innovative classes that challenge students not only physically but also intellectually and emotionally. With a teaching style deeply rooted in cultural context, Grey’s classes leave students feeling transformed, helping them find their own artistry within the framework of Black dance traditions. He encourages dancers to explore the lesser-known aspects of Lindy Hop, including rhythmic variation, groove, and the pocket, while pushing boundaries and fostering growth and confidence.


Pomona Lake, after falling in love with Lindy Hop at the age of 15, she quickly begun sneaking out to go to blues and fusion parties. Her approach to dance is playful, raw, and rhythmic, with a focus on improvisation and self-expression. Drawing inspiration from unexpected sources like contact improvisation, clowning, and her work as a dancer in the film industry, Pomona’s teaching is a joyful exploration of musicality and movement. She encourages her students to find freedom and creativity in their dance, embracing the spontaneity that comes from blending art forms.


Together, Grey and Pomona offer a dynamic and holistic approach to teaching dance, where artistry, technique, and individuality are nurtured in equal measure. Their classes promise not only fun but also the opportunity for deep personal and artistic growth, connecting dance to life beyond the studio.

Für diesen Workshop ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich. Hier anmelden


  • 17:00 - First class
  • 18:15 - Second class
  • 19:30 - Social dance
  • 20:00 - 21:00 Uhr Lipsi Tight


Calloway (Dufourstraße 8)


  • Es ist ein SwingConnection-Event. Bitte beachtet unseren Code of Conduct
  • Bitte denkt an saubere Wechselschuhe.
  • Getränke sind gegen Vertrauenskasse an der Bar vorhanden.
  • Snacks dürfen gerne mitgebracht werden.


  • Normalpreis: 20 €
  • SCL-Mitglieder: 10 €

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